These include the ability to sense BTs, see them, teleport from one location to another, and even summon BTs. DOOMSĭOOMS are abilities certain people gained after the Death Stranding event. They’re the most threatening type of foe you’ll be up against in the game. There are multiple types of BTs and they all try and consume Sam. BTīeached things, known as BTs, as otherwordly beings stranded in the real world after the Death Stranding event. It’s this link that lets porters use BBs to detect BTs and avoid them. BB or Bridge BabyĪ BB or Bridge Baby is a baby that serves as a connection between the world of Death Stranding and the Beach. The beach is a location that exists in between life and the afterlife.

Here’s what you need to know about terminology and lore in Death Stranding’s opening hours.

The story in Death Stranding is great so it is best you understand the basics of the game early on. They aren’t explained as well as they should be despite adding a welcome amount of nuance and depth to the game world. While Death Stranding does a great job of introducing you to new terms and mechanics with explanation, there are a lot of new in-game terms used quite often during dialogue. If you haven’t read our spoiler free review yet, we loved the game. Death Stranding is finally here on PS4 and PS4 Pro.